I should definitely come up with a rating system for my posts, a way
to tell readers if my post is worth reading or if it at least contains
something of significance. Well this one is not one of those posts. You could
continue your life as it was without remorse of missing one of my outstanding pieces
of crap. Well this is post is partially about that, crap.
On my two plus years living in the old continent I’ve noticed some
things in which Europeans are more sensitive that we, Mexicans. Two notable
examples: the throne and the bathtub (The exception to the rule, if I may add,
for Europeans are in other aspects much more tolerant than we are, e.g. body
odour, but that is material for another post).
Let’s start with the crappier of the two. Europeans despise to sit
on a can that has evidence of its previous user. As in contrast we Mexicans do
not. Surely enough, during your time on this planet and after doing your
business you have certainly left a singular line of brown sketched to it, or as
we refer in our folkloric Mexican Spanish, the Crayola doodle (or “el
cayolazo”). We are more tolerant to a
toilet with signature because it seldom happens; it is not that easy to leave
your mark in a Mexican toilet. Two reasons for that, I believe the toilets in
Mexico are either polished smooth to the nth degree or… well
European food is made of the same ingredients as the drawing crayons.
It is not uncommon to visit The
Facilities in my country and not find the precious eraser (a.k.a. toilet
brush). Be as it may, if you manage to leave your mark in a Mexican toilet then
you have to options: be proud of your creation and let it mellow, or remove the
evidence. But what if that eraser is not available? Well, then you leave it for
the next user, whom most certainly will not make a big fuzz of it. Not in
Europe. If you mark your toilet, you better clean it (there are even reminders
The second fact is to rinse the place where you showered after you
are done. It’s completely understandable… in a place where all showers are
actually adapted bathtubs. Let me tell you, if you don't rinse your shower, in
no time a grey slime made of foulness shall attach to the neighbouring drain.
Again this does not happen in sunny Mexico.
It’s not that we have different cleanliness standards it’s just really
that those things do not happen to us. Our showers are that: showers. It’s
really difficult to find a house with a plastic filthy-water container. And the
sieves are much larger, thus the water can escape leaving no residues, then a
once-per-day cleaning shall suffice. Ditto for toilets. As I mentioned, our
toilets do not stain so easily, thus a single shitty brush per household is
enough for a daily rub to the white porcelain.
But if you ever do come to the house of a self-exiled Mexican with—by
now—European standards don’t even think of leaving a Crayolazo on my precious porcelain corner or your foamy hair on the
sieve of my filthy-water container. As I said, we do not—by any means—have
slacker hygiene standards, it’s just that in Mexico we live in a magical place
were we do not need to cover our tracks.
Epilogue. Another characteristic of us Mexicans is that we love
drama and as such, we tend to take everything personal. Therefore let it note
that this post was NOT inspired by my last set of guests, who behave wonderfully.
Instead it fount its inspiration when I refused to sit and send my package on an already
scribed throne.
Oh and I almost forgot. Yes, the word on the picture is one word, y’know
thy ol’ German sticking words together.